Friday, July 11, 2014

Ministry Opportunities - Elk Point Baptist Church

1. Song projection on Sundays.   We use a presentation software called EasyWorship.  In this program all the songs for the worship service and other things like announcements can be slotted in order and then projected through our data projector.   We are in need of an operator.   If it is the Lord's will, Courtney will be heading off to Bible School in September.  She is willing to train a couple people to serve in this way.  A few computer skills would be an asset but the most important need is someone who will be faithful, diligent to the task and be willing to arrive early on Sundays to set everything up.  If you have further questions please call me.  If you wish to volunteer please reply to this email or phone me.  Your prayerful consideration is appreciated.

2. Transportation help.   As some of you know I have been helping Gerry Dubeau get to Church on Sunday.   In view of the summer and the possibility that I will be away, I would like to be able to call on several people to assist in giving Gerry a ride to church if need be.  Gerry is quite mobile and independent.  He lives at Parkview Extended Care.  He is always ready and prompt.  He does have his own cell phone if you would need to contact him.  If you can minister to Gerry in this way, we would appreciate it.  Please reply or call if you can help.  Thanks.

James A.E. MacLellan
(780) 724-4194 (office)
(780) 614-9305 (cell)

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