"The issue of John MacArthur’s recent Strange Fire Conference (and forthcoming book) is all the rage in the Evangelical blogosphere right now. Truth be told, I’m impressed by the attention the whole thing is drawing. If you know anything about MacArthur you know he is a cessationist, and that he has promoted cessationism publicly for quite some time.
I gather the issue is not MacArthur’s cessationism, which is well-known. The issue is that MacArthur has thrown down the theological gauntlet. He’s not merely saying continuationism is wrong, he’s saying it’s wrong and dangerous. While I was not at the conference, reports I read had MacArthur likening Charismatics to Mormonism, saying that Evangelicals will challenge 14 million Mormons, but are silent in the face of half a billion Charismatics. This is inflammatory, perhaps even reckless, speech."
Pastor Joey Sweetswede is an associate pastor and volunteer staff member with Chi Alpha Christian Fellowship. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, concentrating in Management with a minor in Philosophy. He earned his MAR in Biblical Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and is now enrolled in the MA in Apologetics program at Luther Rice University and Seminary.
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