Thursday, February 26, 2015

Why Not Participate in a World Day of Prayer? James A.E. MacLellan

Does John 17:21 Exemplify An On-Going Need for the Church to be One?

It is usually about this time of year that I sense of preponderance of raised eyebrows.  There is a sense, in the community that I live, that I have committed the unforgivable sin.  What is that sin?  Lack of participation.  Indeed, this is the annual gathering of various women to pray for the world.   My reluctance to participate in ecumenical activities brandishes me as something akin to an arrogant, self-righteous sus.  Of course the main armament is John 17:21 (ESV), "that they may all be one, just as you, Father, are in me, and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you have sent me."

To read more click HERE.

Saturday, February 21, 2015


Not that long ago, most Americans didn’t know much or care to know much about Islam. It was just one more exotic but irrelevant religion that missionaries andNational Geographic occassionally talked about. One scholar noted, “Less than a year before September 11, 2001, the consensus of expert opinion was . . . that [Islam’s] impact had ended long before the Renaissance.” It took a massive terrorist attack on U.S. soil to abruptly bring Islam squarely into the center of the American consciousness.
Since that day, questions about violence and Islam have lingered in the American mind: do these violent terrorists truly represent Islam? Is violence intrinsic to the Muslim faith? Having once been a student at a boarding school for missionary kids that was attacked by Islamic terrorists in an effort to frighten Christian missionaries out of the country, these questions are not hackneyed abstractions for me.
As I observe Christians trying to come to grips with the Islamic world, violence in Islam remains a deeply important problem. As Christians, the issue is important to us not simply because we believe that Christianity is true and all other religions are false, but because we have the duty and privilege of proclaiming the gospel to all peoples, including Muslims. While others may have the option of keeping “those Muslims” out of sight and mind as much as possible, Christians must draw near them. 

Better Question to Ask

To read more click HERE.

Caleb Greggsen grew up in Central Asia and Western Europe. He and his wife live and work in Louisville, Kentucky, where they are members of Third Avenue Baptist Church.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Assistant Pastor, Youth and Children's Ministry

Assistant Pastor, Youth and Children's Ministry

Job Description


Elk Point Baptist Church invites applications for the permanent, full­time position of Assistant Pastor, responsible for youth and children's ministry.

The primary objectives of this position is to shepherd children and youth in our congregation; to provide outreach into our community and to provide leadership to the youth and children's ministries. The successful candidate will provide handon leadership of these ministries with a view to develop, train and supervise upcoming leaders.  It would be expected that the Assistant Pastor also use his time to regularly meet with parents, counsel when necessary and develop  the student and children’s ministry with the respective parents.

The successful candidate will be mature spiritually and experientially, with a confident call to youth and children's ministries. The successful candidate will be able to qualify as an elder according to 1 Timothy 3:1­7 ; be in total agreement with our Statement of Faith; and support the Elder's Perspective of Shepherding Children and Youth. Both Statements are available for viewing on our website.

This pastor would work closely with and report  to the Senior Pastor and with the consent of the Elders will be given freedom  to work out the vision God has given them for this ministry. The Youth Pastor will be responsible to carry out other suitable duties as assigned by the Senior Pastor; and will be expected to participate in the appropriate ministries of the church to further his influence and understanding of how to serve the youth and their families. The salary and benefits will be commensurate with experience, in accordance with recognizable standards for this region.

Elk Point Baptist Church serves the community of Elk Point and the surrounding Lakeland area. We exist that the people of God might enjoy Him in worship and Bible saturated preaching. We believe we are here so that the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ might be lived and proclaimed truthfully and lovingly. Our vision is to strive to be a church that is vibrant, caring and real, led by godly people, teaming together and fired with a passion to reach the Lakeland for God's Kingdom.

Start date: As soon as possible. We will be accepting resumes until May 30, 2015. For more information about the church check out:  If you believe that God may be calling you to this position please submit your resume to

Monday, February 2, 2015

5 Signs of Spiritual Maturity - Clint Archer

Let me start by saying that it’s not wrong for a new believer to be immature any more than it’s wrong for a child to be childish.
Puerility is only annoying in an adult. When a four year old dons a cape and wears his underwear over his pants, claiming x-ray vision, it’s cute. When his dad does that, it’s concerning (or certifiable).
When you’ve been a believer for many years though, lack of these indicators should be concerning.
Mature believers possess these 5 indicators…
1. An Appetite for Meat
It’s good to enjoy the milk of the gospel with every meal. But some Christians pride themselves on focusing only on the gospel, snubbing the offer of deeper doctrines. The love of doctrine may need to be acquired over time, but it will always be there in a mature believer.
The writer to the Hebrews chides his readers for their reluctance to chew.
Clint Archer is the senior pastor of Hillcrest Baptist Church in Durban, South Africa. He has written his first book, The Preacher’s Payday. You can follow him on twitter @ClintArcher or his blog for aspiring theologians and writers at Café Seminoid.